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The Hidden Property Tax Facts That Win Property Tax Appeals: Resources For Winning Property Tax Appeals

I don’t know if you know it or not, studies show that 40% to 60% or more of all properties in the U.S. are over assessed? The reason is, most municipality budgets are tight and they don’t conduct timely, and more important, in-depth property tax assessment appraisals for properties within their jurisdiction.  They lack adequate funding and simply cannot fund a proper appraisal. A professional real estate appraisal costs in the neighborhood of $300 dollars to $450. That appraisal will compare a multitude of similar type homes, apply adjustment category valuation differences and arrive at a defendable and accurate valuation.

However, if you’re just interested in finding real estate value for yourself, here are focused results.
To help you in the real estate valuation process we offer you free access & FREE Resources

1.  Adjustment Category Worksheet.
2. Free Access To All Comparable Sold Homes In Your Area
3. Mind Map for a Winning Property Tax Appeal

Click Here to get these free valuable resourcesReal Estate Valuation

Cities and municipalities do a property tax appraisal on the cheap. The municipal tax assessment job is placed out on a bid basis. That assessment winning bid need to be done hastily. The budget allocation for a mass appraisal is perhaps is $25 per home and with the low-cost bidder needing to meet a deadline. The winning bidder for that property tax mass assessment project has expenses, overhead and needs to earn a profit.  Hasty derived valuation and even previous assessed rates are often rolled over.

I know of property owners getting over 30% property tax reductions and you can easily lower your tax bill an average of 20% if you have a valid case. With a 40% to 60% plus error rate, you just might.

Did you ever get a course, not like you read an entire course and at the end of the evening, you’ve consumed tiny little chunks. There wasn’t really too much to it, just absorbing nuggets a little bit differently.  Well, if you like this kind of help, you’re really, really going to like and benefit from and love the product I release called the DIY Residential Real Estate Appraisal and Property Tax Appeal Course where you’ll be digging into some valuable easy to learn matters.

First let me talk to you about what DIY Residential Real Estate Appraisal and Property Tax Appeal Course is. It is a top selling course used for the real estate and property tax appeal community. The course is updated every year and has been for over 20 years so that you have the best information at your fingertips.

This is how I stumbled upon this untapped market. About 30 years ago, I answered a newspaper ad for a real estate appraiser training position. I got the job. I learn the real estate appraisal business and my boss was a real estate appraisal instructor at a Appraising and Real Estate Continuing Education Institution.   Over time I took all kinds of expensive appraisal courses, became a member of the National Board of Real Estate Appraisers and I was introduced to the savviest and most interesting Real Estate Market Value appraisers where we would meet once a month and talk.

Covering a 30 –  50 mile radius working as a real estate appraiser, I’d notice many homeowners were getting soaked serious money by being drastically over-assessed on their property taxes. And you know, If one doesn’t appeal a property tax assessment, nothing changes.  After taking on property tax appeal clients and winning 95% of their cases at the Assessor Level or Appeal Board Level and 100% or all that moved to the county district judge level were awarded a reduction, I felt I needed to share this knowledge and golden opportunity.

This training is for residential and also business property owners who need to appeal their property tax over-assessments.  It is likewise for real estate investors needing to know the accurate market value for a purchase. It’s for house flippers and fixer-uppers, its for commercial business owners who need to appeal, and it is for the entrepreneurs who realize the value of servicing this vast hidden multi-trillion dollar unserved property tax appeal market. One could even leverage this training into a 6-figure business where you can be your own boss working from home and win close to 95% of your property tax appeal cases.

This is what it will do for you. When you apply the training in the Residential Real Appraisal Valuation and Property Tax Appeal Course, you learn how to do a myriad of things. You learn how to ascertain your chances to win a property tax appeal. You will be able to position yourself in a way that a tax assessor will find viable. There is a strategy taught called the 5 Step Method which is very effective.

Incidentally, when one has this resource at their disposal, they are genuinely helping themselves as well as other people.  WITH the Do-It-Yourself Residential Real Estate Appraisal for Property Tax Appeal Course one learns what the authorities want to see and strategies for delivering results to win your property tax appeal.  You will be delivering viable evidence and you don’t have to be pushy or obnoxious. You also learn solid strategies for helping anyone have a clear window into what any property is worth anywhere, any location, at any period of time or place and have the ability to win a property tax appeal for friends, family or even businesses as a side hustle.

These are the property tax appeal secrets they don’t want you to know. We Work too hard to pay this much in property taxes! If you’re looking for a highly rewarding residential, commercial, industrial Property Tax Consulting Business we want to let you in on this multi-trillion dollar industry. The value on real estate in America in 2018 was placed at 33.3 trillion dollars according to data from Zillow.

If one doesn’t appeal an over-assessment, they will lose many thousands of dollars over the years. Since 40% to 60% and even more are over-assessed, join me in my mission to help YOU and 1,000 ‘s of homeowners to lower their property taxes and ONLY pay their fair share.  Here’s a Back Door. Do you want the tax assessor to win? No? Then Get FREE WORKSHEET and FREE Video Training by CLICKING THE LINK! I also put together a free video training course that goes over the basics here:

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